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Privacy Policy

What data is collected

When you visit the Advtrains Wiki, the following personal information is saved in server log files:

  • Time of site access
  • IP address
  • User-Agent

No other personal data is collected automatically.

Creating an account

You may choose to create an account on this wiki to contribute content. If you choose to do this, the following additional personal data is saved:

  • An unique username that you choose
  • A personal password (stored in a hashed format)
  • Optionally, an e-mail address

Providing an e-mail address is optional. If you do not want to provide an e-mail address, please enter <yourusername> into the registration field. The Advtrains Wiki currently does not email its users. The e-mail address serves only as emergency contact in case of administrative issues, and is not displayed publicly.

Your username and your contributions to the wiki are publicly visible. By contributing to the wiki, you are responsible for ensuring that no personal data of you or a third party is published without their consent.

Data usage

The server log files serve the purpose of detecting and preventing Denial of Service attacks or other attempts to hinder the proper operation of this site. The log files are deleted automatically after a maximum time of 4 weeks.

Your account information serves the purpose of identifying you uniquely, and attributing your contributions to you.

Personal data on that is not public is not sent to or shared with any third party. An exception applies to where we are legally forced to disclose such data to authorities, which as of January 2023 has not happened yet.

Your rights

You have the right to inquire what personal information is stored about you, and request the correction or deletion of personal data. For inquiries, please contact orwell (ät) via e-mail.

wiki/privacy.txt · Last modified: 2023-01-16 10:50 by orwell