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Australian Louver Van

This is an Australian wagon loosely modeled on a louver van which first saw service in southern Australia in the late 1920's. Although initially built with buffer and chain couplers, the wagons were later retrofitted with knuckle couplers. Since they seem to have been equipped with knuckle couplers for a majority of their service life, they are the couplers used in this mod's version of the wagon.

Mod name dlxtrains_industrial_wagons
Author Marnack
Inventory image
Track type default
Crafting recipe Yes
Wagon span 4 m
Max speed 20 m/s (72 km/h)
Cargo inventory size 40
Passenger seats No
Driver stand No
Animated doors No
Animated wheels No
Motive power No
Drops default:steelblock
Horn sound No
Motor sounds No
Liveries Yes
Line number display No
Particles No
Coupler type(s) Knuckle
usage/trains/dlxtrains_modpack/dlxtrains_industrial_wagons/australian_louver_van.txt · Last modified: 2022-07-04 21:42 by marnack