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External Resources

This page includes materials related to advtrains.

A lot of internal mechanics of advtrains, in particular the signalling system, are made based on systems used on railway lines in Germany.


Many websites listed here are about German signalling systems in general. However, only a small, modified subset of these systems are implemented in advtrains for simplicity.


  • simsig - A Set of interlocking simulations, to “Get the hang of it”
  • OpenTTD - A game with a signalling system. However, please note that setting up routes in advtrains is more complicated than in OpenTTD due to the nature of advtrains.

Train safety systems

Advtrains uses LZB as its safety system. However, it is very different to the system used on German rail lines, mainly because many considerations in real life, such as signal transmission and central control, become less important in Minetest.

Players interested in German train safety systems can also read about PZB, an older train safety system that is not implemented in advtrains because of the existence of automated trains.



Lua is very helpful in Advtrains. It is used to make advtrains run, both from the mod itself and the rail networks built in it. As always, the Wiki is helpful, but so are the following websites:


Listed are various minetest servers and their web pages concerning AdvTrains. Some do not have much, others have a huge amount. Feel free to add your own server, but ensure a neutral point of view.


The wiki of this server grows with the number of buildings; there may be more pages added to this list in just a matter of a month or so. However, the admin is not always online.

  • Junctions - A gentle guide to basic junctions, and lists other external links at the bottom.
  • Trackplans - A guide to maps concering advtrains.
  • Railway Guide - Concerns the construction of railways across 56i's server, but has advice applicable to you setup.
  • Real example - A list of the train infrastructure infecting nuturing this fertile land.
  • Live Map - Shows a live map of the server, as well as the train network. If the server is online(which it likely is), it also shows signal states and train locations (advice: left-hand driving is commonplace).

Tunnler's Abyss

Since this server has a smaller web presence than other pages on this list, it may seem smaller than 56i-mtserver. This is the opposite. This server is welcoming, and will likely answer any question you ask them.

  • Tutorial - Guide on train construction.

LinuxForks Minetest Server

This server is the oldest server with AdvTrains. For this reason, it has players with a lot of experience. Please be as polite as possible. First impressions matter a lot on this server.

  • Railway guide - Concerns the construction of railways across the server.
  • Transport System Types - Concerns the transport categories and can be used as inspiration for your own network.
  • Map - Unlike 56i-mtserver, this map just shows track locations. Brilliant for seeing how turns are done.
usage/external_resources.1637489830.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021-11-21 11:17 by 56independent