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''train'' Table

Note Information here is incomplete. Please fill in what you know.

The train table is an essential table to Advtrains.

train itself is a shorthand used as an argument in many functions for advtrains.trains[id], where [id] is the id of a train.

train holds a whole array of information about the train, some shown below:

Key Description Unit
acceleration The acceleration the train is performing m/s/s
drives_on A table showing which type of track the train drives on Table
max_speed The speed a train can go at m/s
trainparts The carriages in a train table
is_shunt Train in shunt mode? bool
speed_restriction The speed a train is allowed to go at m/s
routingcode The routing code of a train Minetest text encoding
line The line of a train Minetest text encoding
velocity The speed of a train m/s
movedir Direction of movement ??
brake Wether brakes are enabled bool
path table of key-co-ordinate table pairs table
id Train ID string
dev/core/train.1673450927.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-01-11 15:28 by 56independent