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Train Catalogue

Types of Trains

Different kinds of train wagons are provided with the base modpack of advtrains as well as with many additional packs. This section of the wiki is meant to cover what is available, not just in the base modpack but all trains made for advtrains.

Train wagons can be split into three basic kinds, not mutually exclusive

Motive power wagons are those wagons which can make a train move. Motive power includes locomotives and passenger multiple unit sections with their own power. At least one wagon with motive power is require for a train to move. Locomotives only have space for a driver and sometimes one other, while multiple units are typically a passenger wagon with a driver stand as well. There are currently no motive power wagons that require actual energy like electricity or fuel to run.

Passenger wagons are those wagons with seats for passengers. Passenger wagons may be purely passenger wagons with no motive power or they might be multiple units with controls inside them.

Freight wagons are those wagons which have an inventory attached to them. So far, most freight wagons have only 24 slots, less than a standard chest. Ideas are floating around for bulk freight wagons which would hold only one kind of item but hold quite a lot of it; and tankers which would hold fluids like water and lava.

Guide to the train catalogue

The catalogue will be presented with one table per wagon type in the following format:

Mod name The modname that provides the wagon (the exact mod if inside a modpack)
Author The mod author of the train
Inventory image The image used for that wagon in the inventory in minetest
Screenshot A screenshot of the train, preferably on a transparent background
Track type The type of track the train runs on. Default is the standard tracks.
Crafting recipe A crafting recipe for the wagon if it exists
Wagon span The length of the wagon from front to back
Max speed The maximum speed of this wagon. The maximum speed of a train is the lowest max speed of any wagon in the train.
Cargo inventory size The size of the cargo inventory, if the wagon has one.
Passenger seats How many, if any, seats are there for passengers in the wagon
Driver stand Does the wagon have a driver's stand?
Animated doors Does the wagon have animated doors?
Animated wheels Does the wagon have animated wheels and/or other drivetrain elements
Motive power Can the wagon move on its own?
Drops What will the train drop if destroyed?
Horn sound Does the train have a registered horn sound?
Motor sounds Does the train have motor sounds for when it's in motion?
Liveries Can you apply painted colours and/or custom logos to the wagon?
Line number display Does the train display its line number property with an extra texture?
Particles What, if any, particles does the wagon emit?

Currently the E231 is the only known train with livery feature as it can be painted with the bike painter.

Currently the subway wagon is the only known train with line number display

usage/trains/start.1602494666.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-10-12 09:24 by blockhead