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usage:trains:dlxtrains_modpack:dlxtrains_industrial_wagons:european_small_tank_wagon [2024-04-11 04:29] (current)
marnack created
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 +===== European Small Tank Wagon =====
 +By the mid 20th century, brakemen were no longer needed to ride wagons and operate their brakes.  Thus, brakeman's cabins were removed from older wagons and newer wagons were built without them.  This tank wagon represents such early to mid 20th century European tank wagons.
 +If [[|Advanced Trains TechAge addons]] is installed and enabled, and Advanced Trains is running at version 2.4.3 or later then this wagon can also be used to transport up to 1000 units of liquid.
 +| Mod name             | dlxtrains_industrial_wagons |
 +| Author               | Marnack |
 +| Inventory image      | {{:usage:trains:dlxtrains_modpack:dlxtrains_industrial_wagons:european_small_tank_wagon_inv.png|}} |
 +| Screenshot           | {{:usage:trains:dlxtrains_modpack:dlxtrains_industrial_wagons:european_small_tank_wagon.png|}} |
 +| Track type           | default |
 +| Crafting recipe      | Yes |
 +| Wagon span           | 2.4375 m |
 +| Max speed            | 15 m/s (54 km/h) |
 +| Cargo inventory size | 24 |
 +| Passenger seats      | No |
 +| Driver stand         | No |
 +| Animated doors       | No |
 +| Animated wheels      | No |
 +| Motive power         | No |
 +| Drops                | default:steelblock |
 +| Horn sound           | No |
 +| Motor sounds         | No |
 +| Liveries             | Yes |
 +| Line number display  | No |
 +| Particles            | No |
 +| Coupler type(s)      | Chain |
usage/trains/dlxtrains_modpack/dlxtrains_industrial_wagons/european_small_tank_wagon.txt · Last modified: 2024-04-11 04:29 by marnack