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usage:trains:dlxtrains_modpack:dlxtrains_industrial_wagons:australian_open_wagon [2024-02-20 04:48] (current)
marnack created
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 +===== Australian Open Wagon =====
 +This wagon is loosely based on an early Australian bogie open wagon that entered service in southern Australia in the mid 1920's.  These versatile wagons have two pairs of removable doors on each side of the wagon that allow for a wide variety of loads to be carried.
 +In game, these wagons have seven possible load configurations that are determined by the wagon's inventory: Empty, Filled with "loose" material (dirt, gravel, sand, or coal), covered by a canvas or tarpaulin, doors removed and loaded with logs, and three load configurations with crates or nodes similar to the [[usage:trains:dlxtrains_modpack:dlxtrains_industrial_wagons:european_flat_wagon]] (see that wagon for details).
 +| Mod name             | dlxtrains_industrial_wagons |
 +| Author               | Marnack |
 +| Inventory image      | {{:usage:trains:dlxtrains_modpack:dlxtrains_industrial_wagons:australian_open_wagon_inv.png|}} |
 +| Screenshot           | {{:usage:trains:dlxtrains_modpack:dlxtrains_industrial_wagons:australian_open_wagon.png|}} |
 +| Track type           | default |
 +| Crafting recipe      | Yes |
 +| Wagon span           | 3 m |
 +| Max speed            | 20 m/s (72 km/h) |
 +| Cargo inventory size | 24 |
 +| Passenger seats      | No |
 +| Driver stand         | No |
 +| Animated doors       | No |
 +| Animated wheels      | No |
 +| Motive power         | No |
 +| Drops                | default:steelblock |
 +| Horn sound           | No |
 +| Motor sounds         | No |
 +| Liveries             | Yes |
 +| Line number display  | No |
 +| Particles            | No |
 +| Coupler type(s)      | Knuckle |
usage/trains/dlxtrains_modpack/dlxtrains_industrial_wagons/australian_open_wagon.txt · Last modified: 2024-02-20 04:48 by marnack