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usage:trains:dlxtrains_modpack:dlxtrains_industrial_wagons:australian_cattle_van [2024-11-16 04:55] (current)
marnack created
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 +===== Australian Cattle Van =====
 +This livestock wagon is loosely based on cattle vans that were used in southern Australia in the mid twentieth century.  These particular wagons were removed from service in the 1980's when the transport of cattle by rail was phased out.
 +In game, these wagons can be used to transport more than just cattle.  The wagons will display animals from the following mods:
 +  * [[|Animalia]]: Cow, Horse, Pig and Sheep
 +  * [[|Mobs Animal]]: Cow, Sheep and Warthog
 +  * [[|Mob Horse]]: Horse
 +Note: The animals shown on these wagons have a slightly different appearance from their mob representation since different models and textures were created to represent them.
 +Animals that are not listed above will be represented as being in a crate.  Also, similar to the European Flat Wagon, if the cargo is a node that can be simply rendered, it will be shown as itself.  In all other cases, the cargo will be shown as being in a crate.
 +If the wagon is loaded with animals from the above list, an applicable animal sound will be emitted at random intervals from the wagon.  Increasing the number of animals in the highlighted inventory slot of the wagon increases the frequency at which these sounds are emitted.  These animal sounds can be disabled in the **DlxTrains** mod settings by setting "DLX Wagon sounds" to false.
 +| Mod name             | dlxtrains_industrial_wagons |
 +| Author               | Marnack |
 +| Inventory image      | {{:usage:trains:dlxtrains_modpack:dlxtrains_industrial_wagons:australian_cattle_van_inv.png|}} |
 +| Screenshot           | {{:usage:trains:dlxtrains_modpack:dlxtrains_industrial_wagons:australian_cattle_van.png|}} |
 +| Track type           | default |
 +| Crafting recipe      | Yes |
 +| Wagon span           | 3 m |
 +| Max speed            | 20 m/s (72 km/h) |
 +| Cargo inventory size | 16 |
 +| Passenger seats      | No |
 +| Driver stand         | No |
 +| Animated doors       | No |
 +| Animated wheels      | No |
 +| Motive power         | No |
 +| Drops                | default:steelblock |
 +| Horn sound           | No |
 +| Motor sounds         | No |
 +| Liveries             | Yes |
 +| Line number display  | No |
 +| Particles            | No |
 +| Coupler type(s)      | Knuckle |
usage/trains/dlxtrains_modpack/dlxtrains_industrial_wagons/australian_cattle_van.txt · Last modified: 2024-11-16 04:55 by marnack