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usage:trains:classic_coaches:corridor_coach_class1 [2023-03-23 00:37] (current)
marnack created
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 +===== Corridor Coach Class 1 =====
 +This wagon features modern compartment style seating with corridor access to adjoining wagons. Each compartment contains six extra wide first class airline style seats with a folding center table and stylish overhead shelving.
 +The wagon is modeled with 24 seats. Up to 4 players can board each wagon.
 +| Mod name             | classic_coaches |
 +| Author               | Marnack |
 +| Inventory image      | {{:usage:trains:classic_coaches:corridor_coach_class1_inv.png|}} |
 +| Screenshot           | {{:usage:trains:classic_coaches:corridor_coach_class1.png|}} |
 +| Track type           | default |
 +| Crafting recipe      | Yes |
 +| Wagon span           | 3 m |
 +| Max speed            | 20 m/s (72 km/h) |
 +| Cargo inventory size | No |
 +| Passenger seats      | 4 |
 +| Driver stand         | No |
 +| Animated doors       | Yes |
 +| Animated wheels      | No |
 +| Motive power         | No |
 +| Drops                | default:steelblock |
 +| Horn sound           | No |
 +| Motor sounds         | No |
 +| Liveries             | Yes |
 +| Line number display  | No |
 +| Particles            | No |
 +| Coupler type(s)      | Chain |
usage/trains/classic_coaches/corridor_coach_class1.txt · Last modified: 2023-03-23 00:37 by marnack