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These 3 tools are used for special purposes such as laying track, setting up components for atlatc and inspecting locks for the interlocking system. There are no crafting recipes for any of these tools, and you will need the right privileges to use any of them except the trackworker.


The trackworker rotates track and changes its type. To use, look at the rail you want to change and click on it.

  • Left-click to change the rail type between straight, curved, switch (left) and switch (right).
  • Right-click to rotate in 30 degree increments.
  • Holding the “Use” key while right-clicking rotates by 180°
  • You cannot make most rail types into curves or switches except the basic straight rails. For exampe, the ATC Rails can only be straight.

While the trackworker is useful for rotating rails after they have been placed, don't forget that when laying tracks by hand you can still make curves by placing the rails at an angle. See the tutorial.

The trackworker tool is also used to rotate other nodes that use the 30° increments, such as most of the signals.

Passive Component Naming Tool

This tool is used to help set nice names for passive components for the LuaAutomation system. To use it, right-click on any passive component, and a box will appear in which you can enter a name for that passive component. Once you have set that name, you can then reference that position from Lua code as a string.

You will need the atlatc privilege to use this tool, and you cannot use it on protected areas you do not own.

The formspec for the passive component namer.

Interlocking Tool

This tool is used to help inspect and manually place locks for the interlocking system. To use it, right-click on switches or signals. It will open a formspec that tells you whether there is a lock applied to that component and where that lock came from.

If there is no lock currently applied, you can manually place one, and it will persist until it is manually removed. If a lock is applied, you can remove it. Removing a lock that was automatically placed is useful in case a route is removed but still set, but in general it is not recommended

This tool can help in situations where you do not know why you cannot move a switch, or where you want to place a manual lock to prevent switches from operating.

You will need the interlocking privilege to use this tool.

The formspec for the interlocking tool when a lock is set.

usage/tools/start.1579691994.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-01-22 11:19 by orwell