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xATC Proposal

xATC is a proposed system to supersede conventional ATC, by incorporating and taking advantage of new features, like:

  • Approach callbacks
  • Train variables(line, routingcode, texts)
  • Timetables (planned) and Railway Time scheduling
  • programmatically splitting and joining trains

This is a Very WIP, experimental draft which is nowhere near final. Suggestions, ideas and improvements are welcome. If you have a suggestion, just add it on this page and add your signature (second-last button in the editor toolbar above).


At the moment, there exist two systems for controlling trains automatedly. They somewhat work hand-in-hand, but have individual design flaws:

Simple ATC

This is the first ATC system that ever existed in advtrains, and has not changed much since then.

  • Commands are purely assigned to the train. The train is responsible for parsing and executing the commands.
  • This means that there's no way to determine where the command came from
  • The syntax relies on 1-letter command codes and simple RegEx matching. It is not extensible.
  • In particular, it is impossible to integrate more advanced commands like setting in/outside text or setting routes
  • Commands have to be one-liners


This second automation system is powerful, but not very thought trough. It uses plain Lua scripts in a slightly sandboxed environment.

  • Commands are purely assigned to rails, and can not affect trains that are not standing on the rail (except for approach callbacks which use an ugly workaround)
  • Insufficient sandboxing (Multiple DoS attacks possible)


  • MUST support everything conventional ATC can do
  • SHOULD support everything LuaATC can do
  • Should be easy to use for newcomers (not pure Lua)
  • Setups should be copyable, and there should be a way to modularize setups (“templates”/“functions”)
  • Commands are given out by stationary components, but are associated and functional even when the train is no longer at the commanding location (like LuaATC currently enforces). In a later stage, it should also be possible to assign xATC programs purely to trains (see H#124)

The following things should be doable through xATC:

  • Controlling current train target speed, open/close doors, reverse train
  • Using the LZB mechanism to brake a train in advance/make it stop
  • Schedule execution of further commands by both simple time delay (like “D”) and Railway Time
  • Setting train parameters (line, rc, inside/outside text, custom values)
  • Allow for splitting/joining trains and managing train sections (different parts of the train designated for different destinations, planned)
  • Control interlocking (set/cancel routes, enable/disable ARS on train)
  • Interface to external components (e.g. digilines)
  • Be extensible to new features introduced over time


xATC will use a subset of Lua to express actions. The following things are restricted:

  • “while” and “repeat/until” loops are not supported
  • “for” loops only allow using a counter variable, not an iterator function
  • The global environment is not writable. A number of standard variables and functions exists to be used.

xATC code is organized in so-called “events”. An event can be a builtin event or a user-defined event. The RWT scheduler, which has a builtin DOS protection, will serve as event queue.

An xATC code snippet would, for example, look like this:

On Approach:
train.text_outside = "E3 - Trisiston\nvia Tanh Cliffs"
train.text_inside = "Next Stop: Euler Street\nTerminus, please get off."
train.ars = false
train.stop()   -- makes train stop at the rail and emits "Stop" afterwards
rail.digiline_send("DFI-controller", "Arr:E3W")

On Stop:
train.text_inside = "Euler Street"
schedule("+02;00", "Depart-Ready") -- Schedule departure in 2 minutes
rail.digiline_send("DFI-controller", "Stp:E3W")

On Depart-Ready:
signal.ars().wait("Depart") -- Tell the next signal to do ARS and emit "Depart" when route is set

On Depart:
train.doors("C").wait() -- Wait in-place (without another event) for doors to close
train.text_inside = "Welcome on board! Next stop: Mountain South"
train.ars = true
rail.digiline_send("DFI-controller", "Dep:E3W")

Notable things:

  • Events are denoted by “On Eventname:”. They are not lua-conformant and handled externally.
  • The pre-defined entities “train”, “signal” and “rail” refer to the current train, the next signal in direction of travel and the emitting xATC rail respectively
  • “schedule()” simply schedules an event based on railway time.
  • Actions (like doors(), speed(), ars()) are asynchronous in first term. You can make them explicitly synchronous by calling wait() without arguments on them. This only works on some actions (e.g. not on ars(), because that might never return)
  • Alternatively, calling wait(“Eventname”) emits the specified event when the action is complete.

Asynchronous execution (added 2020-10-28)

I imagine that the asynchronous code execution (wait etc.) can draw much inspiration from python's asyncio. Possibly we will also use an “await” keyword to wait for asynchronous tasks.

The above code using an “await” keyword:

On Approach:
train.text_outside = "E3 - Trisiston\nvia Tanh Cliffs"
train.text_inside = "Next Stop: Euler Street\nTerminus, please get off."
train.ars = false
local stop_await = train:stop_at_rail()
-- makes train stop at the rail, returns an 'awaitable'
-- when stopping the train is finished, throw the "Stop" event.
rail.digiline_send("DFI-controller", "Arr:E3W")
-- scope of "local stop_await" ends here

On Stop: -- user-defined event (fired by stop_at_rail() above)
train.text_inside = "Euler Street"
schedule("+02;00", "Depart-Ready") -- Schedule departure in 2 minutes
rail.digiline_send("DFI-controller", "Stp:E3W")

On Depart-Ready:
signal:ars():then("Depart"):else("ARSFail") -- Tell the next signal to do ARS and emit "Depart" when route is set

On Depart:
await train.doors("C") -- Wait in-place (without another event) for doors to close
train.text_inside = "Welcome on board! Next stop: Mountain South"
train.ars = true
rail.digiline_send("DFI-controller", "Dep:E3W")

On ARSFail:
schedule("+00;10", "Depart-Ready") -- try again later

All awaitables can either complete successfully or fail. If an awaitable succeeds, and then(“eventname”) had been called on it, the specified event is fired. If the await keyword has been used, execution continues. However, if an awaitable fails (this can happen e.g. for the “stop_at_rail” event if a player takes over control during stopping, or for “ars” if the route is cancelled manually by a player), the coroutine that awaits it is cancelled. It is possible to call awaitable.else(“eventname”) to catch the error case in a separate event, however.

then() and else() are chainable, that means they return the awaitable they've been called on.

Lua Interpreter Implementation details

The code written in xATC is untrusted, since it is possibly written by untrusted users. We therefore build a somewhat custom Lua interpreter.

How this code is parsed and executed is not yet decided. This is a matter of where to lay the boundary between custom parsing and Lua compiling.

A first suggestion looks as follows:

  • Every line is considered an instruction or a block start/end (we won't support ; to separate multiple commands per line for now)
  • The global instruction structure is parsed by custom code
  • Individual instructions are left as-is. Custom code assembles the instructions into Lua code safe for procesing.
  • Instructions are only allowed to be in “Assignment” or “Function Call” format. It should not be possible to construct things like '(function() evil_stuff end)()'

Perhaps the exact syntax and semantics of “wait” functions will be changed in this draft, this is yet unclear. There needs to be a way to continue a halted “thread” from saved data, which effectively prevents us from using coroutines. The simplest way would be to abandon wait() altogether, but this violates the “simplicity” constraint.

A possible 'wait_for(“Event”)' function could allow for quasi-procedural operation, doing things like

On Approach:
schedule("/01;00+00;00", "Depart") -- When the train approaches, emit a "Depart" event at the next full minute
train.stop() -- Stop the train

On Stop:
wait_for("Depart") -- When the train stopped, wait until the "Depart" event arrived (if it already arrived before, returns immediately; this works here because there's no "On Depart" that handled this, it remained in queue)

Eventually, a further extension can implement event sending from external entities, such as a train waiting for another connecting train.

-- Train 1 (running in context of some xATC rail called "Trisiston:1")
On Stop:
schedule("+00;20", "Depart")

-- Train 2
On Stop:
rail.dispatch_event_to("Trisiston:1", "connecting_train_arrived")
-- the semantics of this are not yet specified
dev/proposals/xatc.1618861612.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021-04-19 21:46 by admin