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In the last developer conference we've talked about a possible creation of “dev teams” focused on certain parts of the mod.

Since that conference i “joined” the “Livery Team” currently leaded by @Blockhead. The livery customization and in general the artistic part is the weak part of this mod, but things might change.

I have some ideas to implement this, one of them is the Train Painter Tool.

What does this item have?

Well you have 2 possible type of customization, the first being the Simple Configuration (SC), and the second being the Advanced Configuration (AC).

What changes between SC and AC?

The Simple configuration is the one that we currently have on the painter tool of the Bike mod. The advanced configuration is completely new and it will allow you to choose from various skins (inspired by the ones of the real companies like DB, FS, OBB etc) through a list that will show you the prewiew of the skins applied to the locomotive or wagon.

Ok but the skins? How do i tell the tool that those are the skins for that locomotive?

All the skins for a certain loco are going to be on the “textures” folder of the locomotive mod. In the painter tool code there will be a list for that locomotive where we are going to write the name of the file of the skin.

OK nice but how can i integrate my own skins for that wagon/loco?

You'll need to put the skin file in the “textures” folder and insert the name of the file of the skin inside the list.

Do you have an image of the new painter tool?

Yes i do, we all have the formspec of the SC and i made a prototype of the AC:

dev/proposals/paintertool.1655990340.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-06-23 13:19 by w3rq01