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Note: this page should be about the discussion that took place during the conference itself. Comments should be written elsewhere, e.g. on the mailing list.

The conference started at 20:00 UTC.

Automated testing

  • gpcf pointed out the lack of testing system in advtrains. The lack of testing has, according to gpcf, slowed down the development of advtrains to an extent.

Timetable system

  • The timetable system proposal was brought up again, as in the previous conference.
  • dario23 requested a user-friendly API for the timetable system.
  • gpcf noted that a timetable system could make it easier to create information systems.
  • dario23 suggested creating a new track to inform trains and stations. It was also proposed that trains could address train delays, such as with more intense braking.
  • orwell said that a user interface would be appreciated. Blockhead mentioned a formspec editor.
  • gpcf suggested implementing timetable “buffers”.
  • gpcf suggested a “subtrain system” that allows splitting trains.
  • orwell mentioned SimSig, where the resulting trains from shunting can get separate timetables.
  • gpcf thinks it may be interesting to see how the timetable system affects shunting.
  • There was a discussion between Blockhead, gpcf, and dario23 on the use of timetables for shunting operations. LuaATC may be involved.
  • orwell wanted a system of “guaranteed connections”, where a train would wait for another train.
  • Some features do not need to be implemented in the first iteration. Implementation details can be discussed later.
  • Support for LuaATC (e.g. timetable-specific events) may be added.
  • gpcf could start working on the timetable system.

The route_prog_rework branch

  • Orwell is working on the route_prog_rework branch. The goal of the branch is to improve the experience of route programming.
  • Ideally, the user only needs to specify the starting and ending point of the route.
  • The idea is to reduce problems caused by erroneous route programming.
  • Blockhead pointed out that pathfinding may become a problem for complicated junctions.
  • Maverick2797 requested for a way to edit routes.
  • The advtrains_itrainmap mod could be revived.
  • orwell said that it would be interesting to have actual working signalboxes.


  • Hemiptera is currently problematic because of spamming. It is also blocked by certain email providers.
  • gpcf: continuing the work on Hemiptera is mainly reinventing the wheel.
  • gpcf chose sourcehut because of the email-centric workflow (as opposed to requiring everyone to log in).
  • gpcf: the issue tracker is mainly internal (i.e. for developers). Discussions take place on the mailing list.
  • gpcf: self-hosting could be an option.
  • Blockhead: one advantage of Hemiptera is that it is not as easy to accidentally start new threads in cases where it is not desired.
  • gpcf: Hemiptera lacks a proper web UI.
  • orwell: is also an option.
  • orwell: the email-based workflow is not particularly integrated.
  • [Some points on and sourcehut were mentioned and not listed here.]
  • This topic may need to be discussed in the future.

Development branch

  • Maverick2797 suggested creating a dev branch for testing and then merging it into the master branch.
  • gpcf: more feature branches are needed.
  • Blockhead: The dev and master branch differ in that the dev branch cannot be broken. It would be nice to be able to apply patches to the development branch.
  • orwell: The dev branch could be tested on (for example) LinuxForks and then merged into the master branch.
  • gpcf: People should use the releases for stability.
  • [Some discussions follow.]
  • orwell: thing could be left this way for now. The dev branch currently does not need to be introduced as there is not much activity.
  • Blockhead: there is a lack of tests.

Train HUD and controls

  • orwell: remap the inventory button?
  • ywang thought about changing the controls, but some things may need to be improved.

Livery system

  • Blockhead: “wagon transition”: similar to “aliases” that convert certain wagons to other types.
  • This appears to be implemented by both gpcf and Blockhead.
  • gpcf: There could be a conference on the livery system


  • gpcf: There should be smaller conferences for those interested in only certain parts of the project.
events/conf/2022-04-02.1648937201.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-04-02 22:06 by ywang