Colored Subway Wagons

This and other colour variation mods will be obsoleted with livery features that use hardware colouring to create and apply any new colour to a train. See the pull request here.

The Colored Subway Wagons is a mod that provides red, green and blue-colored versions of the Subway Wagon. It does this by registering 3 wagons with mostly the same definition but different textures.

Hardware colouring as used by the E231 is a better approach and will be added in due course. Currently this mod lags behind the official subway wagon and does not support the 2-digit line numbers feature.

The crafting recipes for these wagons are the same as the original yellow subway wagon but with a different colour dye in the middle.

Mod name advtrains_subway_colored
Author NatureFreshMilk
Inventory image
Track type default
Crafting recipe Yes
Wagon span 2 m
Max speed 15 m/s (54 km/h)
Cargo inventory size No
Passenger seats 4
Driver stand Yes
Animated doors Yes
Animated wheels No
Motive power Yes
Drops default:steelblock 4
Horn sound Yes
Motor sounds Yes
Liveries No
Line number display Yes
Particles No