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Note: This policy page is not community-approved yet. These rules hold no value yet.

Advtrains is formed of a diverse worldwide community. This means that a large portion of the people working on Advtrains are multilingual. If you wish to work on translations:

  • Keep to pages which should not change over time, such as those in Events. Try to find the most past-tense pages. Translations of documentation should be avoided as there is no system to keep translations in sync.
  • Put the (lowercase) language code in square brackets before the name of the article.
  • Keep the translation as accurate to the original as possible; translation should be an invisible art.
  • Discussions should be kept in English; discussions on multiple language pages can become easily out of sync if not updated quickly enough.
  • Translations to Advtrains' in-game UI is currently managed on the l10n branch. You can contribute there by sending patches to the mailing list. Please read advtrains/locale/ first.
wiki_potential_rules/multilingualism.txt · Last modified: 2023-01-18 13:34 by ywang