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dev:proposals:largetracks [2023-01-13 11:06]
56independent [56independent's Opinion] Add example makefile for my silly little script and publish it for complaints
dev:proposals:largetracks [2023-01-17 13:46] (current)
evictionbot Evict 56independent
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 There will be several ideas and opinons regarding this. They are listed here, at this section: There will be several ideas and opinons regarding this. They are listed here, at this section:
-===== 56independent's Opinion ===== 
-What i believe is a good option is putting both regular and large track segments in the mod, giving the choice between large track segments and regular tracks. This ensures backwards compatibility with existing rail networks whilst allowing large track segments on new line. 
-I also believe that simple junctions should also have their own segments. Building a t-junction is currently a lot of work, and i believe that a single-block spawner would make sense. You should choose between gaps, like 1-void for railyards, 2-void, and 3-void, as well as driving direction, whether it is the same on both sides or different. 
-<del>Also, 2-void is for those who like making a pain for themselves and hate ornaments in the centre of track, such as pillars and signal poles</del> 
-As a fluent python programmer working a little with some models, i have already created a small language determining how different .obj models can be edited. Creating a series of rotations for large track segments wouldn't be too difficult (i have already written unreleased and untested python code to do this automatically). 
-For example, to merge two obj models, you can do ''signal_mast+ks_signal_front'', which would put together the blue signal mast and the black part of the Ks signal. To make a series of rotations, you could do ''dtrack_st*r'', which would make versions of ''dtrack_st'' rotated by 22.5 degrees (half of 45 degrees, should be the knight's move track) each. 
-You put all these commands as seperate lines in a file and pass the filename to the script: 
-Brackets are not yet supported though (but i would add support if requested) 
-This could easily reduce the effort needed to make the different models. 
-If you wish to be see the code, visit [[|This paste]]. For any questions, contact me. 
 ===== Blockhead's Ideas ===== ===== Blockhead's Ideas =====
dev/proposals/largetracks.txt · Last modified: 2023-01-17 13:46 by evictionbot