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dev:core:path [2020-06-24 10:49]
orwell add callbacks
dev:core:path [2023-01-11 14:13] (current)
56independent [Path generation] Add newline for clearer text
Line 57: Line 57:
 The path is generated on the fly, as path items are requested. The path is generated on the fly, as path items are requested.
-Every call to ''advtrains.path_get()'' (or one of the related functions) automatically generates the path as far as needed. In order to access any of the secondary path tables (such as path_speed or path_cn), you need to make sure that ''advtrains.path_get()'' was called before. However, advtrains ensures that the range from ''train.index'' to ''train.end_index'' is always existent.+Every call to ''advtrains.path_get()'' (or one of the related functions) automatically generates the path as far as needed.  
 +In order to access any of the secondary path tables (such as path_speed or path_cn), you need to make sure that ''advtrains.path_get()'' was called before. However, advtrains ensures that the range from ''train.index'' to ''train.end_index'' is always existent.
 The path system deletes path items that are behind the train and no longer needed automatically. The path system deletes path items that are behind the train and no longer needed automatically.
dev/core/path.1592995749.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-06-24 10:49 by orwell