===== Acceleration ===== This page is mainly about acceleration, which is often used by [[lzb|LZB]] to prevent trains from overspeeding or getting off track. This may also be useful for the emulation of Advtrains. Note that braking is also a type of acceleration. ==== Acceleration value ==== The acceleration of each wagon is based on the type of the wagon: ^ Type of acceleration (lever) ^^ Acceleration value ^^ ^ ::: ^^ Per wagon ^ Per engine ^ | Emergency brake | BB | -10 | 0 | | Normal brake | B | -3 | 0 | | Roll | - | -0.5 | 0 | | Neutral | o | 0 | 0 | | Acceleration | + | 0.5 | 1.5 | The acceleration of the whole train can be calculated using: Acceleration of each wagon * Number of wagons + Acceleration of each engine * Number of engines a = ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Number of wagons Number of engines = Acceleration of each wagon + Acceleration of each engine * ————————————————— Number of wagons ==== Time needed for acceleration ==== The time needed to accelerate from ''v0'' to ''v1'' can be calculated as follows: v1 - v0 t = ——————— a ==== Distance needed for acceleration ==== The distance needed to accelerate from ''v0'' to ''v1'' can be calculated as follows: a s = v0 * t + — * t^2 2 v1 - v0 a / v1 - v0 \ 2 = v0 * ——————— + — * | ——————— | a 2 \ a / v1^2 - v0^2 = ——————————— 2*a