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usage:atlatc:examples:linuxforks_subway_code [2022-06-28 21:12]
56independent Move code information to the bottom, where it belongs.
usage:atlatc:examples:linuxforks_subway_code [2024-05-23 03:03] (current)
blockhead Fix indentation of subway stat counter digiline message
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Linuxforks Subway ======+====== Linuxforks Subway Interlocking ======
 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
 **Note**: This is actually taken from a [[|Forum Post]] written by Blockhead. This is just a modified version of the post designed to fit with the wiki (but 56i, the creator of this wiki page did inspire this post, so part-credit goes to him). **Note**: This is actually taken from a [[|Forum Post]] written by Blockhead. This is just a modified version of the post designed to fit with the wiki (but 56i, the creator of this wiki page did inspire this post, so part-credit goes to him).
Line 5: Line 5:
 I've actually wanted to make a video about the subway code just because I think it's of historical interest but also as an example of how to make an interlocking system out of just LuaATC. Consider this like a partial script dump for that video. I've actually wanted to make a video about the subway code just because I think it's of historical interest but also as an example of how to make an interlocking system out of just LuaATC. Consider this like a partial script dump for that video.
-The subway code is something like (A?)GPL'd (not sure if 2 or 3), written by orwell. It's a form of interlocking that predates what we call "TSS Interlocking". It used still in some corners of what we now call Spawn Subway (previously often just 'the subway'); or it was for some time after TSS interlocking was deployed, I haven't been paying keen attention. It was also previously used on South Forest Subway which is just one line, but that system was reworked into an interlocked one 2019. It was also used on the Mountain Railway from Euler Street Station up Mt Gabriel, nominally 'line 10', but that system has been out of service for years now since the TSS update.+The subway code is written by orwell,  and uses the GPLv3 license. It's a form of interlocking that predates what we call "TSS Interlocking". It used still in some corners of what we now call Spawn Subway (previously often just 'the subway'); or it was for some time after TSS interlocking was deployed, I haven't been paying keen attention. It was also previously used on South Forest Subway which is just one line, but that system was reworked into an interlocked one 2019. It was also used on the Mountain Railway from Euler Street Station up Mt Gabriel, nominally 'line 10', but that system has been out of service for years now since the TSS update.
 The current code is as follows (it's not all properly indented, much of it may have been edited in-game. It probably started back in 2017, but has barely changed since 2019 due to maturity, stability and decreasing relevance. The current code is as follows (it's not all properly indented, much of it may have been edited in-game. It probably started back in 2017, but has barely changed since 2019 due to maturity, stability and decreasing relevance.
Line 41: Line 41:
 ===== Code ===== ===== Code =====
-The current code is as follows (it's not all properly indented, much of it may have been edited in-game. It probably started back in 2017, but has barely changed since 2019 due to maturity, stability and decreasing relevance.+The current code is as follows (<del>it's not all properly indented, much of it may have been edited in-game</del> The indentation is automatic and may have some faults). It probably started back in 2017, but has barely changed since 2019 due to maturity, stability and decreasing relevance.
 <code lua> <code lua>
 +Linuxforks Subway Code
 +Copyright (C) 2017-2021 orwell96 and other LinuxForks contributors.
 +Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 or later
 -- 'subway' environment -- -- 'subway' environment --
 --F.stn_union=function(line1, prev1, prev2, this, next, doors, dps, osig, ret_sw, ret_st, nohalt, waittime) --F.stn_union=function(line1, prev1, prev2, this, next, doors, dps, osig, ret_sw, ret_st, nohalt, waittime)
-F.stationnames={ +F.stationnames = { 
-Ewb="Edenwood Beach", +    Ewb = "Edenwood Beach", 
-Ban="Bananame", +    Ban = "Bananame", 
-ctr="Coulomb Street Triangle", +    ctr = "Coulomb Street Triangle", 
-Cht="Churchill Street", +    Cht = "Churchill Street", 
-Bbe="Birch Bay East", +    Bbe = "Birch Bay East", 
-Bap="Turtle Rock", +    Bap = "Turtle Rock", 
-Icm="Ice Mountain", +    Icm = "Ice Mountain", 
-Eft="BHS10", +    Eft = "BHS10", 
-Apl="Apple Plains", +    Apl = "Apple Plains", 
-Pal="Palm Bay", +    Pal = "Palm Bay", 
-Slh="Smacker's Land of Hope and Glory", +    Slh = "Smacker's Land of Hope and Glory", 
-Lks="Leekston", +    Lks = "Leekston", 
-Ta1="Testing Area 1", +    Ta1 = "Testing Area 1", 
-Ta2="Testing Area 2", +    Ta2 = "Testing Area 2", 
-Ahr="AHRAZHUL's Station", +    Ahr = "AHRAZHUL's Station", 
-Ahz="Large Beach", +    Ahz = "Large Beach", 
-Wim="Windy Mountains", +    Wim = "Windy Mountains", 
-Dam="Szymon's Dam", +    Dam = "Szymon's Dam", 
-Wva="Windy Mountains Valley 1", +    Wva = "Windy Mountains Valley 1", 
-Wvb="Windy Mountains Valley 2", +    Wvb = "Windy Mountains Valley 2", 
-Wvc="Windy Mountains Valley 3", +    Wvc = "Windy Mountains Valley 3", 
-App="Apple Grove", +    App = "Apple Grove", 
-Dem="Desert Mountain", +    Dem = "Desert Mountain", 
-Dev="Desert View (OCP)", +    Dev = "Desert View (OCP)", 
-Lvc="Levenshtein Canyon", +    Lvc = "Levenshtein Canyon", 
-Gho="Green Hope", +    Gho = "Green Hope", 
-Snb="Snake Bend", +    Snb = "Snake Bend", 
-Adb="Adorno Boulevard", +    Adb = "Adorno Boulevard", 
-Duf="Duff Road", +    Duf = "Duff Road", 
-Wat="Something in the water", +    Wat = "Something in the water", 
-Ram="Ramanujan Street", +    Ram = "Ramanujan Street", 
-Per="Perelman Street", +    Per = "Perelman Street", 
-Trp="Trump Park", +    Trp = "Trump Park", 
-Sfs="South Forest Station", +    Sfs = "South Forest Station", 
-Lok="Jude Milhon Street", +    Lok = "Jude Milhon Street", 
-Bam="Bamboo Hills", +    Bam = "Bamboo Hills", 
-Sfa="unnamed", +    Sfa = "unnamed", 
-Gcl="Green Cliffs", +    Gcl = "Green Cliffs", 
-Dri="Dry Island", +    Dri = "Dry Island", 
-Ged="Green Edge", +    Ged = "Green Edge", 
-Ghb="Green Hill Beach", +    Ghb = "Green Hill Beach", 
-Acm="Acacia Mountains", +    Acm = "Acacia Mountains", 
-Ghm="Greenhat Mountain", +    Ghm = "Greenhat Mountain", 
-Pna="Pence Avenue", +    Pna = "Pence Avenue", 
-Dbl="Dubulti", +    Dbl = "Dubulti", 
-Sws="Schwarzschildt Street", +    Sws = "Schwarzschildt Street", 
-Mnk="Minkowsky Street", +    Mnk = "Minkowsky Street", 
-Rgs="Robert Gardon Street", +    Rgs = "Robert Gardon Street", 
-Ehl="Ehlodex", +    Ehl = "Ehlodex", 
-Lus="Lusin Street", +    Lus = "Lusin Street", 
-Lin="Lesnoi Industrial Area", +    Lin = "Lesnoi Industrial Area", 
-Boz="Booze Grove", +    Boz = "Booze Grove", 
-Mrh="Mirzakhani Street", +    Mrh = "Mirzakhani Street", 
-Plt="Planetarium", +    Plt = "Planetarium", 
-Mcf="McFly Street", +    Mcf = "McFly Street", 
-Tha="Theodor Adorno Street", +    Tha = "Theodor Adorno Street", 
-Oni="Onionland", +    Oni = "Onionland", 
-Ora="Orange Lake", +    Ora = "Orange Lake", 
-Uaa="Eiffel Street", +    Uaa = "Eiffel Street", 
-Leo="Leonhard Street", +    Leo = "Leonhard Street", 
-Bby="Birch Bay", +    Bby = "Birch Bay", 
-Stb="Stone Beach", +    Stb = "Stone Beach", 
-Jis="Jungle Island", +    Jis = "Jungle Island", 
-Ice="Eternal Ice", +    Ice = "Eternal Ice", 
-Bnt="Pierre Berton Street", +    Bnt = "Pierre Berton Street", 
-Osa="Origin Sands", +    Osa = "Origin Sands", 
-OBa="Cartesian Square", +    OBa = "Cartesian Square", 
-OOr="School", +    OOr = "School", 
-OSc="ARA", +    OSc = "ARA", 
-ONb="Intel ME Stairs", +    ONb = "Intel ME Stairs", 
-OIs="SCSI Connector Mess", +    OIs = "SCSI Connector Mess", 
-OSm="Origin Sands (Plaza de la Republica)", +    OSm = "Origin Sands (Plaza de la Republica)", 
-ioa="Cow Bridge", +    ioa = "Cow Bridge", 
-iob="Babbage Road", +    iob = "Babbage Road", 
-Wcs="Watson-Crick Street", +    Wcs = "Watson-Crick Street", 
-Rru="Rockefeller Runway", +    Rru = "Rockefeller Runway", 
-Ewd="Edenwood", +    Ewd = "Edenwood", 
-Chu="Marcuse Street Station", +    Chu = "Marcuse Street Station", 
-Erd="Erdos Street", +    Erd = "Erdos Street", 
-Uni="Museum", +    Uni = "Museum", 
-Mar="Felfa's Market (Bracket Road)", +    Mar = "Felfa's Market (Bracket Road)", 
-Wac="Watson-Crick", +    Wac = "Watson-Crick", 
-OLv="Market", +    OLv = "Market", 
-Irk="Ice Rink", +    Irk = "Ice Rink", 
-Sbr="Suburb", +    Sbr = "Suburb", 
-Unv="University", +    Unv = "University", 
-Arc="Archangel", +    Arc = "Archangel", 
-Dar="Darwin Road", +    Dar = "Darwin Road", 
-Hmi="Half-Mile Island", +    Hmi = "Half-Mile Island", 
-Zoo="Zoo", +    Zoo = "Zoo", 
-Bea="Beach", +    Bea = "Beach", 
-Yos="Yoshi Island", +    Yos = "Yoshi Island", 
-Krs="Kernighan&Ritchie Street", +    Krs = "Kernighan&Ritchie Street", 
-Rkb="Robert Koch Boulevard", +    Rkb = "Robert Koch Boulevard", 
-Rsi="Riverside", +    Rsi = "Riverside", 
-Swr="Swimming Rabbit Street", +    Swr = "Swimming Rabbit Street", 
-Wbb="Banana Forest", +    Wbb = "Banana Forest", 
-Ori="Origin", +    Ori = "Origin", 
-Snl="Snowland", +    Snl = "Snowland", 
-Sys="Ship Rock", +    Sys = "Ship Rock", 
-Rfo="Redwood forest", +    Rfo = "Redwood forest", 
-Moj="Mom Junction", +    Moj = "Mom Junction", 
-Wfr="Wolf Rock", +    Wfr = "Wolf Rock", 
-Spa="Shanielle Park", +    Spa = "Shanielle Park", 
-Thh="Treehouse Hotel", +    Thh = "Treehouse Hotel", 
-Stn="Main station", +    Stn = "Main station", 
-WB1="Riverside", +    WB1 = "Riverside", 
-WB2="Banana Forest", +    WB2 = "Banana Forest", 
-WB3="Eiffel Street", +    WB3 = "Eiffel Street", 
-WB4="Buckminster Fuller Street", +    WB4 = "Buckminster Fuller Street", 
-WB5="White Beaches", +    WB5 = "White Beaches", 
-Shn="Shanielle City", +    Shn = "Shanielle City", 
-Jus="Tom Lehrer Street", +    Jus = "Tom Lehrer Street", 
-Fre="Frege Street", +    Fre = "Frege Street", 
-Min="MinerLand", +    Min = "MinerLand", 
-Vlc="Volcano Cliffs", +    Vlc = "Volcano Cliffs", 
-Mio="Minio", +    Mio = "Minio", 
-Wpy="Water Pyramid", +    Wpy = "Water Pyramid", 
-Cat="Cathedral", +    Cat = "Cathedral", 
-Dca="Desert Canyon", +    Dca = "Desert Canyon", 
-Spn="Spawn", +    Spn = "Spawn", 
-Brn="Ministry of Transport (bernhardd)", +    Brn = "Ministry of Transport (bernhardd)", 
-Kav="Knuth Avenue", +    Kav = "Knuth Avenue", 
-Lvf="Library", +    Lvf = "Library", 
-Fms="John Horton Conway Street", +    Fms = "John Horton Conway Street", 
-Mnt="Mountain", +    Mnt = "Mountain", 
-Mnv="Mountain Valley", +    Mnv = "Mountain Valley", 
-Mnn="Mountain View", +    Mnn = "Mountain View", 
-Max="Maxwell Street", +    Max = "Maxwell Street", 
-Snp="Snowy Peak", +    Snp = "Snowy Peak", 
-Scl="ScottishLion's City", +    Scl = "ScottishLion's City", 
-Lza="Laza's City", +    Lza = "Laza's City", 
-Bld="BlackDog", +    Bld = "BlackDog", 
-Hts="Hotel Shanielle", +    Hts = "Hotel Shanielle", 
-Fmn="Euler Street", +    Fmn = "Euler Street", 
-Gpl="Market", +    Gpl = "Market", 
-Jun="Jungle", +    Jun = "Jungle", 
-Jng="Franklin Road", +    Jng = "Franklin Road", 
-Uic="Coulomb Street", +    Uic = "Coulomb Street", 
-Grs="Gram-Schmidt Street", +    Grs = "Gram-Schmidt Street", 
-Lih="Lighthouse", +    Lih = "Lighthouse", 
-Rea="Reactor", +    Rea = "Reactor", 
-Hhs="Henderson-Hasselbalch Street", +    Hhs = "Henderson-Hasselbalch Street", 
-Ack="Ackermann Avenue", +    Ack = "Ackermann Avenue", 
-Lis="Lone Island", +    Lis = "Lone Island", 
-Pyr="Pytagoras Road", +    Pyr = "Pytagoras Road", 
-Nha="North Harbour", +    Nha = "North Harbour", 
-STn="Technic Station", +    STn = "Technic Station", 
-SPo="Post Office", +    SPo = "Post Office", 
-SSw="Spawn, westbound", +    SSw = "Spawn, westbound", 
-SSe="Spawn, eastbound", +    SSe = "Spawn, eastbound", 
-SPa="Papyrus Farm", +    SPa = "Papyrus Farm", 
-STo="Tourist Info", +    STo = "Tourist Info", 
-SMi="Public Mine", +    SMi = "Public Mine", 
-MR1="Euler Street", +    MR1 = "Euler Street", 
-MSt="Main Station (Spawn)", +    MSt = "Main Station (Spawn)", 
-MOr="Marcuse Street Station (Origin)",+    MOr = "Marcuse Street Station (Origin)"
 } }
 --[[ --[[
Line 220: Line 225:
 ]] ]]
 --Warning: Expects line to be a string! --Warning: Expects line to be a string!
-local linet={ +local linet = { 
-["1"] = {W="Palm Bay", E="Windy Mountains"}, +    ["1"] = {W = "Palm Bay", E = "Windy Mountains"}, 
-["2"] = {N="Szymon's Dam", S="Onionland"}, +    ["2"] = {N = "Szymon's Dam", S = "Onionland"}, 
-["3"] = {S="Bananame", N="Large Beach"}, +    ["3"] = {S = "Bananame", N = "Large Beach"}, 
-["4"] = {E="Schwarzschildt Street", W="Ice Mountain"}, +    ["4"] = {E = "Schwarzschildt Street", W = "Ice Mountain"}, 
-["5"] = {W="Lighthouse", E="Leekston"}, +    ["5"] = {W = "Lighthouse", E = "Leekston"}, 
-["7"] = {N="Birch Bay East", S="Planetarium"},+    ["7"] = {N = "Birch Bay East", S = "Planetarium"}
 } }
 F.lineterm = function(line, terminal) F.lineterm = function(line, terminal)
-if linet[line] and linet[line][terminal] then return linet[line][terminal] end +    if linet[line] and linet[line][terminal] then 
-return terminal+        return linet[line][terminal] 
 +    end 
 +    return terminal
 end end
 F.lineset = function(line, terminal) F.lineset = function(line, terminal)
-  if event.train then +    if event.train then 
-    atc_set_text_outside("Line "..line.." - "..F.lineterm(line, terminal)) +        atc_set_text_outside("Line " .. line .. " - " .. F.lineterm(line, terminal)) 
-    S.line[atc_id] = line +        S.line[atc_id] = line 
-    set_line(tonumber(line)) +        set_line(tonumber(line)) 
-  end+    end
 end end
-F.rant=function() +F.rant = function() 
-  return math.random(5,8)+    return math.random(5, 8)
 end end
-F.stnname=function(cap) +F.stnname = function(cap) 
-return F.stationnames[string.sub(cap, 1, 3)] or "?"+    return F.stationnames[string.sub(cap, 1, 3)] or "?"
 end end
-F.stn=function(prev, this, next, doors, dps, osig) +F.stn = function(prev, this, next, doors, dps, osig) 
-  F.stn_union(nil, prev, nil, this, next, doors, dps, osig)+    F.stn_union(nil, prev, nil, this, next, doors, dps, osig)
 end end
-F.stn_return=function(prev, this, next, doors, switch, state, dps, osig, waittime) +F.stn_return = function(prev, this, next, doors, switch, state, dps, osig, waittime) 
-  F.stn_union(nil, prev, nil, this, next, doors, dps, osig, switch, state, false, waittime)+    F.stn_union(nil, prev, nil, this, next, doors, dps, osig, switch, state, false, waittime)
 end end
-F.stn_return_nohalt=function(prev, this, next, switch, state, dps) +F.stn_return_nohalt = function(prev, this, next, switch, state, dps) 
-  F.stn_union(nil, prev, nil, this, next, "C", dps, osig, switch, state, true)+    F.stn_union(nil, prev, nil, this, next, "C", dps, osig, switch, state, true)
 end end
-F.stn_return_free=function(prev, switch, state) +F.stn_return_free = function(prev, switch, state) 
-  if event.train then +    if event.train then 
-    setstate(prev, "green"+        setstate(prev, "green"
-    setstate(switch, state) +        setstate(switch, state) 
-  end+    end
 end end
-F.stn_nohalt=function(prev, this, next, dps, osig) +F.stn_nohalt = function(prev, this, next, dps, osig) 
-  F.stn_union(nil, prev, nil, this, next, "C", dps, osig, nil, nil, true)+    F.stn_union(nil, prev, nil, this, next, "C", dps, osig, nil, nil, true)
 end end
-F.union_wait=function(sect) +F.union_wait = function(sect) 
-  S.union_waiting[sect] = not depart+    S.union_waiting[sect] = not depart
 end end
-F.stn_union=function(line1, prev1, prev2, this, next, doors, dps, osig, ret_sw, ret_st, nohalt, waittime) +F.stn_union = function(line1, prev1, prev2, this, next, doors, dps, osig, ret_sw, ret_st, nohalt, waittime) 
-  if not atc_id then +    if not atc_id then 
-    atc_send("B0"+        atc_send("B0"
-    error("Train has disappeared!"+        error("Train has disappeared!"
-  end +    end 
-  if not atc_arrow then +    if not atc_arrow then 
-    atc_send("B0"+        atc_send("B0"
-    error("Train passed in wrong direction!"+        error("Train passed in wrong direction!"
-  end +    end 
-  depart=false +    depart = false 
-  if event.train then +    if event.train then 
-    setstate(prev1, "red"+        setstate(prev1, "red"
-    if prev2 then  setstate(prev2, "red") end +        if prev2 then 
-    atc_send("B0O"..doors)+            setstate(prev2, "red") 
 +        end 
 +        atc_send("B0O" .. doors)
-if atc_speed and atc_speed > 10 then +        if atc_speed and atc_speed > 10 then 
-  local dt = +            local dt = 
-  atc_set_text_outside("BrakeFail speed="..atc_speed.." when="..dt.year.."-"..dt.month.."-"" "..dt.hour..":"..dt.min..":"..dt.sec) +            atc_set_text_outside( 
-  error("Train "..atc_id.." has passed rail at speed of "..atc_speed) +                "BrakeFail speed=" .. 
-end+                    atc_speed .. 
 +                        " when=" .. 
 +                            dt.year .. 
 +                                "-" .. dt.month .. "-" .. .. " " .. dt.hour .. ":" .. dt.min .. ":" .. dt.sec 
 +            error("Train " .. atc_id .. " has passed rail at speed of " .. atc_speed) 
 +        end
-    if not nohalt then +        if not nohalt then 
-       interrupt(waittime or (ret_sw and 20 or 7), "ready"+            interrupt(waittime or (ret_sw and 20 or 7), "ready"
-       atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this))+            atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this)) 
 +        end
     end     end
-  end +    if ( and event.message == "ready") or (event.train and nohalt) then 
-  if ( and event.message=="ready") or (event.train and nohalt) then +        if getstate(this) == "green" and (not osig or getstate(osig) == "green") then 
-    if getstate(this)=="green" and (not osig or getstate(osig)=="green") then +            if ret_sw then 
-      if ret_sw then +                atc_send("OCD1B0WRS" .. (dps or "M")) 
-        atc_send("OCD1B0WRS"..(dps or "M")) +                setstate(ret_sw, ret_st)
-        setstate(ret_sw, ret_st) +
-      else +
-        atc_send("OCD1S"..(dps or "M")) +
-        setstate(prev1, "green"+
-        if line1 then --this call did not come from F.stn, do union stuff +
-            setstate(prev2, "green"+
-            if S.line[atc_id]==line1 then +
-               if S.union_waiting[prev2] then setstate(prev1, "red") end+
             else             else
-               if S.union_waiting[prev1] then setstate(prev2, "red") end+                atc_send("OCD1S" .. (dps or "M")) 
 +                setstate(prev1, "green"
 +                if line1 then --this call did not come from F.stn, do union stuff 
 +                    setstate(prev2, "green"
 +                    if S.line[atc_id] == line1 then 
 +                        if S.union_waiting[prev2] then 
 +                            setstate(prev1, "red"
 +                        end 
 +                    else 
 +                        if S.union_waiting[prev1] then 
 +                            setstate(prev2, "red") 
 +                        end 
 +                    end 
 +                end 
 +            end 
 +            setstate(this, "red"
 +            atc_set_text_inside("Next stop: " .. F.stnname(next)) 
 +            depart = true 
 +            nodepartc = nil 
 +        else 
 +            interrupt(F.rant(), "ready"
 +            nodepartc = nodepartc and nodepartc + 1 or 0 
 +            if nodepartc >= 10 then 
 +                atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this) .. "\nLine out of order!"
 +            else 
 +                if (not osig or getstate(osig) == "green") then 
 +                    atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this) .. "\nWaiting for preceding train..."
 +                else 
 +                    atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this) .. "\nWaiting for oncoming train..."
 +                end
             end             end
         end         end
-      end 
-      setstate(this, "red") 
-      atc_set_text_inside("Next stop: "..F.stnname(next)) 
-      depart=true 
-      nodepartc=nil 
-    else 
-       interrupt(F.rant(), "ready") 
-       nodepartc=nodepartc and nodepartc+1 or 0 
-       if nodepartc>=10 then 
-         atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this).."\nLine out of order!") 
-       else 
-         if (not osig or getstate(osig)=="green") then 
-           atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this).."\nWaiting for preceding train...") 
-         else 
-           atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this).."\nWaiting for oncoming train...") 
-         end 
-       end 
     end     end
-  end 
 end end
-F.pre=function(signal) +F.pre = function(signal) 
-   if getstate(signal) == "red" then +    if getstate(signal) == "red" then 
-     atc_send("B4")+        atc_send("B4")
     end     end
 end end
-F.uiclog = function ()  +F.uiclog = function() 
-return+    return
 end end
 --L197 --L197
-F.stat=function(line, init) +F.stat = function(line, init) 
---statistics +    --statistics 
--- init +    -- init 
-if init then +    if init then 
-reftrain = atc_id +        reftrain = atc_id 
-a_tbt = 30 +        a_tbt = 30 
-a_tbtmax = 30 +        a_tbtmax = 30 
-a_rtt = 500 +        a_rtt = 500 
-a_not = 0 +        a_not = 0 
-c_not = 0 +        c_not = 0 
-c_tbtmax = 0 +        c_tbtmax = 0 
-time_lt = os.time() +        time_lt = os.time() 
-time_rt=os.time() +        time_rt = os.time() 
-end +    end 
-if not a_tbtmax then a_tbtmax = 30 end +    if not a_tbtmax then 
-if not c_tbtmax then c_tbtmax = 0 end +        a_tbtmax = 30 
---real code +    end 
-if event.train then +    if not c_tbtmax then 
-local time = os.time() +        c_tbtmax = 0 
-c_not = c_not + 1 +    end 
-a_tbt = (a_tbt + (time - time_lt)) / 2 +    --real code 
-c_tbtmax = math.max(c_tbtmax, (time - time_lt)) +    if event.train then 
-if atc_id == reftrain then +        local time = os.time() 
-  a_rtt = (a_rtt*0.2 + (time - time_rt)*0.8) +        c_not = c_not + 1 
-  a_not = c_not +        a_tbt = (a_tbt + (time - time_lt)) / 2 
-  c_not = 0 +        c_tbtmax = math.max(c_tbtmax, (time - time_lt)) 
-  a_tbtmax = (a_tbtmax + c_tbtmax) / 2 +        if atc_id == reftrain then 
-  c_tbtmax = 0 +            a_rtt = (a_rtt * 0.2 + (time - time_rt) * 0.8) 
-end +            a_not = c_not 
-  digiline_send("stats", "Stat: "..line.. +            c_not = 0 
-    " NoT:"..a_not.."("..c_not..")".. +            a_tbtmax = (a_tbtmax + c_tbtmax) / 2 
-    " TbT:"..math.floor(a_tbt).."("..(time-time_lt)..")".. +            c_tbtmax = 0 
-    " Tmx:"..math.floor(a_tbtmax).."("..c_tbtmax..")".. +        end 
-    " R:"..math.floor(a_rtt).."("..(time - time_rt)..")" +        digiline_send("stats", "Stat: " .. line .. 
-    +            " NoT:"..a_not.."("..c_not.. ")".. 
-time_lt = time +            " TbT:"..math.floor(a_tbt).."("..(time-time_lt)..")".. 
-if atc_id == reftrain then +            " Tmx:"..math.floor(a_tbtmax).."("..c_tbtmax..")".. 
-  time_rt = time +            " R:"..math.floor(a_rtt).."("..(time-time_rt)..")" 
-end +        
-end+        time_lt = time 
 +        if atc_id == reftrain then 
 +            time_rt = time 
 +        end 
 +    end
 end end
 local function aspect_is_free(asp) local function aspect_is_free(asp)
-  if type(asp.main) == "table" then +    if type(asp.main) == "table" then 
-    return +        return 
-  else +    else 
-    return asp.main ~= 0 +        return asp.main ~= 0 
-  end+    end
 end end
 -- 21.1.19, the rise of tss -- 21.1.19, the rise of tss
-F.stn_ilk=function(prev, this, next, doors, dps) +F.stn_ilk = function(prev, this, next, doors, dps) 
-  depart = false +    depart = false 
-  if event.train then +    if event.train then 
-    atc_send("B0 W O"..doors) +        atc_send("B0 W O" .. doors) 
-    atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this)) +        atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this)) 
-    interrupt(7, "ready"+        interrupt(7, "ready"
-  elseif then +    elseif then 
-    local asp = get_aspect(this) +        local asp = get_aspect(this) 
-    if not asp then +        if not asp then 
-      atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this).."\nNo aspect for "..this) +            atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this) .. "\nNo aspect for " .. this) 
-    else +        else 
-      if aspect_is_free(asp) then +            if aspect_is_free(asp) then 
-        atc_set_text_inside("Next stop:\n"..F.stnname(next)) +                atc_set_text_inside("Next stop:\n" .. F.stnname(next)) 
-        atc_send("OC D1 S"..(dps or "M")) +                atc_send("OC D1 S" .. (dps or "M")) 
-        depart = true +                depart = true 
-        return +                return 
-      else +            else 
-        atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this).."\nSection ahead is blocked..."+                atc_set_text_inside(F.stnname(this) .. "\nSection ahead is blocked..."
-      end+            end 
 +        end 
 +        interrupt(7, "ready")
     end     end
-    interrupt(7, "ready") 
-  end 
 end end
-F.stn_ilkentry=function(prev, this, next, doors, dps) +F.stn_ilkentry = function(prev, this, next, doors, dps) 
-  F.stn_ilk(prev, this, next, doors, dps) +    F.stn_ilk(prev, this, next, doors, dps) 
-  if depart then setstate(prev, "green") end+    if depart then 
 +        setstate(prev, "green") 
 +    end
 end end
 </code> </code>
usage/atlatc/examples/linuxforks_subway_code.1656450739.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-06-28 21:12 by 56independent