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events:newsletter [2023-01-17 13:38]
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-====== Newsletters ====== 
-**en (English/Inglés)**  
-The **Advtrains Newsletter** features helpful information on Advtrains in the form of 2-3 special features each month, sometimes with a summary of what happened to the git repository. All English editions are identified by either a ''[en]'' in the title or English month names. 
-**es (Castellano/Castillian o/or Español/Spanish)** 
-El **Advtrains Newsletter** (Bóletin de Advtrains) tener útil information de «Advtrains», con 1-3 «Features Especial» cada mes. Todos castellano edicions tener un ''[es]'' en esta nombre. 
events/newsletter.1673962739.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-01-17 13:38 by evictionbot